We all are aware of the fact that writing blogs and articles requires a certain set of skill. This skill is required to keep your reader interested in reading the full article. Hence, it’s important that you really think about the structure of your articles. You can grab your readers’ attention by dividing the article into headings and subheadings. However, writing for SEO purposes and Wanting to captivate your audience seem like two conflicting things to you? if you are writing a readable and SEO-friendly blog article all you have to make sure of is that the keywords should be placed strategically. However, make sure to not over-use the keyword as that will severely hamper the readability of the article
This article gives tips on writing an article which is both SEO-friendly as well as readable. Below are some key tips for writing a good blog post-
Think, Think, Think!
Think about the message that you are giving through your article. What is it that you want to tell your readers? What is the purpose of your blog post? Pen down the answers to these questions before you begin to just start typing your article.
Use paragraphs
Every article you read online is divided into paragraphs, but not everybody knows how to use them effectively. Don’t just start each new sentence on a new line, there must be a logical reason for you to start a new paragraph. Before starting a new paragraph, ask yourself what the main subject of each paragraph is.
Use Headings and Sub-Headings
Use headings and sub-headings to structure the whole article. These are not only important for readability, but for affordable SEO Service as well. Further, this also helps Google to catch the main topics of a long article, hence, helps in ranking your website better. Also, make sure to use some SEO-friendly keywords in the subheadings. However, don’t use keywords in all heading or sub-headings as it will make the text appear unnatural, which will put people off.
Double Check
Before you publish your blog post, get a friend or a family member read it first. And ask them if they understand the main concept of the article. Further, ask them to correct any grammatical errors.
Upload Content Regularly
By regularly uploading new content to your website indicated to Google that your website is up and running. If Google feels that it’s not an active website, it will crawl to it less often. And this will negatively impact the traffic on your website.
Optimize the Length of the Article
Any article or blog post you write must b
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